The association
"F.O.P. Italy Onlus (Progressive Fibrodisplasia Ossificante)”
ART. 1 (denomination and center)
1. And' constituted the association of denominated volontariato F.O.P. Italy Onlus (Progressive Fibrodisplasia Ossificante).
2. L' association has center in the Province of Trento, in the commune of Avio; work on the national territory and on deliberation of the Board Direttivo of directors can also found secondary centers in the other cities d ' Italy or foreign all.
3. The center can be transferred with simple deliberation assembleare.
ART. 2 (nature and limits)
1. The association of volontariato "F.O.P. Italy (Progressive Fibrodisplasia Ossificante) you/he/she is disciplined by the present statute, and it acts in the limits of the general principles of the legal system, of the law n. 266 of 1991 as well as of the other government and provincial laws.
2. The inside arrangement of the association is inspired to criterions of democracy and equality of the rights of all the associates, the associative positions are elective and everybody
the associates can be names you.
3. The duration of the association is boundless.
4. The contents and the structure of the organization are democratic, all the Partners have right peers and duties, and they enjoy some full electorate assets and liabilities.
ART. 3 (statute)
1. The statute binds to its observance the adherent ones to the association.
2. The present statute can be modified with deliberation of the meeting and with the majority of the two bystanders of the components.
3. L' meeting can approve a rule for disciplinary, in harmony with the statute, further aspects related to the operation and to the activity of the group.
ART. 4 (purposes)
1. The association of volontariato " F.O.P. Italy (Progressive Fibrodisplasia Ossificante) it " pursues the goal of the solidarity, civil, cultural and social, and it doesn't pursue purposes of profit both forehand how indirect.
2. The specific finalities of the association of volontariato are:
to) to actively Contribute to the improvement of the existing informative patrimony in Italy around the necessities and the essential supports for the sick of F.O.P. and their families, particularly informing them on the possibilities of care, therapies, places of assistance and first intervention.
b) to Arouse and to maintain the public interest on the problems of the subjects affections from F.O.P. promoting and sustaining the scientific search, through the fund raising to be destined to the same.
c) to Furnish information on the services, on their position, organization and function inside the sanitary structures.
d) to Realize services of welfare and partner-sanitary, as well as of support and support dell associazionismo for the affirmation of the civil rights of the sick of Progressive Fibrodisplasia Ossificante (F.O.P.), having to the respect to one insertion of theirs in the social and working world.
and) to Promote and to favor through incontri,dibattiti, lectures, demonstrations the to rise of working groups, associations, projects scientific physicians, for the study of the F.O.P, also soliciting the emanation of specific legislative provisions.
f) to Effect initiatives of search, formation and sensitization of the citizens and the public corporations on the problems of the rare illnesses (orphan illnesses).
3. For the concrete realization of such activities l ' Association will seek and will promote intended l ' and the collaboration with the National Sanitary Service and with all the other territorial services, public and privacies, local, community and world, besides you/he/she can participate to other associations, society or corporate body aventi you sweep analogous or connected to the proper ones.
4. It will develop activity of promotion to make to know his/her own associative activity with publications and an every other half of communication, always in the respect of the normative vigente.
ART. 5 (adherent)
1. You/they can stick to the association, besides the partners founders, all the natural persons and juridical that, moved by spirit of solidarity, shares the finalities of it.
2. The admission is deliberate for question of the applicant, from the Board Direttivo of directors. The possible denial, motivated, it is appellabile in meeting.
3. The adherent one to the association that contravenes to the duties established by the statute, can be excluded by the association with deliberation of the meeting.
ART. 6 (the partners' rights)
1. The partners have the right to elect the organs dell association.
2. They has the right ds' information and of control established by the laws and by the statute.
3. The partners have the right to be refunded some expenses indeed sustained for the lent activity.
4. The following categories of partners are defined:
- Partners Founders those people who have signed the partnership agreement;
- Partners Operational those people that stick all lending a free activity and volunteer according to the formalities foreseen by the Board of directors and pouring a specific quota established by the same Board of directors;
- Honorary partners the natural persons and juridical and the corporate body that have acquired in favor particular worths for their work dell;
- Partners Sostenitori/Promotori all those people that contribute to the purposes dell association in free way or through conferment of money or in kind, limits that will be established by the Board of directors.
5. The performances of the adherent ones are furnished in personal way, spontaneous and absolutely free, without thin of profit neither direct neither indirect. The activity of the volunteer cannot even be remunerated in some way by the beneficiary. To the volunteer the expenses can be refunded indeed only sustained for the lent activity within limits preventively established by the organization. The quality of volunteer is incompatible with any form of relationship of job subordinate or autonomous and with every other relationship of property content.
ART. 7 (duties of the partners)
1. The partners of the association have to develop his/her own activity in personal, spontaneous and free way, without thin of profit.
2. The behavior toward the other partners and toward the outside of the association is animate from spirit of solidarity and effected with correctness and bona fide.
3. The quality of partner loses for:
- death
- missed payment of the social quota
- resignations
- expulsion: the Board Direttivo of directors deliberates l ' expulsion, previous confrontation of you debit him and felt the interested Partner, for finished actions in contrast to how much foreseen by the present statute if the serious motives that the prosecution of the associative relationship makes incompatible has intervened.
ART. 8 (organs)
1. The organs of the association are: the meeting, the Board Direttivo of directors, the President.
2. The social positions are developed to free title.
ART. 9 (meeting)
The meeting is constituted by all the adherent to the organization.
It is presided by the president and you/he/she is summoned by the president himself, in by ordinary once the year and in by extraordinary every whenever the president holds him/it necessary, with at least 15 days of warning decorrenti from the date of the postal stamp or from that mail on the receipt in the case in which the letter of convocation is delivered by hand or also through e-mail. The convocation has to contain the place and the date of the reunion and the agenda.
The convocation can also happen on application than at least a tenth of the adherent ones; in such case the president has to handle the convocation within 15
days from the reception of the application and the meeting it has to be kept within thirty days from the convocation.
In first convocation the meeting is regularly constituted with the presence of the more half one of the adherent ones, present in really or for delegation to confer him to other adherent. In second convocation you/he/she is regularly constituted any is the number of the adherent presents, in really or for delegation.
Every adherent you/he/she cannot be carrier more of a delegation.
The deliberations of the meeting are adopted to simple majority of the presents.
The meeting has the followings assignments:
- to elect the members of the Board of directors;
- to approve the program d' activity proposed by the Board of directors;
- to approve the budget;
- to approve the budget survey;
- to approve or to reject the applications of change of the statute;
- to establish the amount of the membership fees and the contributions to load of the adherent ones.
The social positions are elective determined by the meeting with the constitutive and deliberative quorums of the ordinary meeting.
ART. 10 (directive)
1. The Board of directors is composed of five members, included the president, elected by the meeting among the adherent ones.
2. The board of directors, that hard reigning for the three year-old period, deliberation to majority of the presents.
3. The board of directors develops, on indication of the meeting, the executive activities related to the organization of volontariato.
4. to determine the program of job in base to the lines of address contained in the general program approved by the meeting, promoting of it and coordinating the activity of it and authorizing the expense of it.
ART. 11 (president)
1. The President and the vice-president are chosen in breast to the Board of directors among his/her components.
2. The President lasts reigning three years and is rieleggibile.
3. The President is the legal representative of the association and completes all the juridical actions that hock the organization.
4. In case of absence or impediment you/he/she is replaced by the vice-president.
ART. 12 (economic resources)
1. The economic resources of the organization are constituted from:
to) good, immovable properties and furniture, donations and legacies;
b) annual social quotas established by the Board of directors and contributions of the adherent ones;
c) contributions of privacies or public corporations;
d) consequential reimbursements from conventions;
and) you enter consequential from marginal commercial and productive activity.
2. The indivisible social patrimony is constituted from:
- movable tangible assets and immovable
- donations, legacies or successions.
3. The distribution is forbidden among the associates, also in indirect forms, of profits or leftovers of management, that must be reinvest statutorily for anticipated institutional activity.
ART. 13 (budget)
1. The budget of the association is annual, and it coincides with the solar year.
2. The budget survey contains all the entrances and the expenses related to the one year-old period; the budget contains the forecasts of expense and entrance for the following annual exercise.
3. The budget is elaborated by the board of directors and submitted to the meeting for the approval.
ART. 14 (breakup)
1. In case of breakup good will be devolved to other organization of working volontariato in analogous sector.
ART. 15 (delay)
1. For how much not foreseen by the present statute they are applied the norms of the civil code and the norms in subject of volontariato.