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The data are the followings:
F.O.P. Italy Onlus - it helps the search - via Massa 16 - 38063 Sabbionara d'Avio (TN) -
Cod.Fisc. 94031440228
Account 6511002149/74 c/o Bank of Trento and Bolzano fil. Rovereto ABI 03240 CAB 20879
Account C. Postale 75417170 Uffs. Postal Avio (TN) ABI 07601 CAB 01800
The principal center of search on the F.O.P. the Laboratory is found to F.O.P. of Molecular Biology near the university of Pennsylvania to Philadelphia (USA).
From this center the search is coordinated with physicians and scientists of the whole world with the purpose to find both a treatment and for the F.O.P. The whole équipe of search believes that his/her own job is a mission and not simply a profession.
The search on the F.O.P. it is as the job of the dectectiveses. The principal purpose is to find the correct run in the genetic labyrinth to be able to individualize the defective gene, which instigates the excessive production of a protein that regulates the production of bones.
The knowledges earned with the search on this rare illness would be able a beautiful day to be of benefit for the people that suffer from other illnesses of the bones most common, what the osteoporosi and the arthrosis. You/he/she could be also of benefit in the treatment operating post of amputation and in certain cases for traumas of the backbone, as well as for some illnesses of the cardiac valves.
As for all the genetic illnesses, the search on F.O.P. it consists of finding and to mend a defective genetic interrupter. F.O.P. it is also however a particular illness. There is not some other illness into which a type of fabric turns him in another as it happens in F.O.P. where the muscles become bones. Despite the difficulty of the enterprise, the équipe of American researchers has made important footsteps in to individualize the elusive gene of the F.O.P., which riempie of hope the stricken patients and their families.
Unfortunately however different problems that the search makes difficult exist and that they the discovery of effective treatments:
- the shortage of families multigenerazionali in which the illness has been handed down - the shortage of collectings of champions of fabric - the lack of knowledge - limited funds - the lack of a genetic animal model
To the long one it is feasible to find the base of this mysterious gene F.O.P. but this has to quickly happen since the elapsed of the illness is inexorable and if effective treatments don't be found in timely way the illness it will immobilize even more people in permanent way.